
By Free Motion Physiotherapy

Foam rolling is a myofascial release technique which can help relieve muscle tightness, soreness, and inflammation, and increase the range of motion in your joints. It can be an effective tool to add to your warm-up or cooldown, before and after exercise.

How it works:

Layers of fascia act as a membrane, surrounding our muscles as well as the bundles of smaller muscle fibres. It connects and supports the muscles and allows them to slide over one another during activities.

Fascia attaches to tendons and bones to help you pull, push, squat, run, bike, or whatever it is you want to do. When we exercise however, the friction in and around our muscles can cause adhesions and trigger points within this fascia. These adhesions are worsened by injury, inactivity, disease, inflammation, or trauma.

Foam rolling can be used at home to release pain caused by these myofascial adhesions and re- establish the alignment within the tissue.

Where to focus:

Like all things exercise, consistency gets the best results. The effects of foam rolling seem to be short-lived, so rolling today won’t necessarily help you next week. Therefore, you should aim to roll before and after workouts, or just any time you’re feeling tight.

Aim to spend about 30 seconds on each spot you want to roll concentrating on the following areas:

- Gluteal muscles

- Quadriceps

- Hamstring

- Calves

- Trapezius

- Latissimus